WHY YOU SHOULD FIGHT ONE MORE ROUND. (never give up the best is yet to come) By Assian Victor - BusinessWorld350- How To Start Up Your Business Today


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Sunday, January 10, 2016

WHY YOU SHOULD FIGHT ONE MORE ROUND. (never give up the best is yet to come) By Assian Victor

(never give up the best is yet to come)
By Assian Victor

This article is dedicated to all the youths, adults who think
their last defeat was the end of the race...................
Have you ever felt like throwing into the towel? Have you
ever felt like giving up? Have you met with obstacles you feel
you can't overcome? Have you been to a point you feel they
is no door? Has a project, contract, relationship, marriage,
ever pushed you to a point you feel you can no longer
Take a deep breath, listen you are un defeated, unbeatable.
In case you don't know you were already a winner from the
start all what you need is to getup and fight one more round.
Your life doesn't depend on what your competitors, enemies
say about you it depends on what you say about yourself.
Your enemies might have raise his hands up in victory but
that is not the end, the bible says looking unto Jesus the
author and the finisher of our faith. Do you know what that
means? It means he started your life, your success, your
business, your education, your marriage etc and that also
means that he his the only one that can end now you can
agree with me that what your enemies says doesn't matte.
Let me share a story which perhaps you might have had in
your church or anywhere ever hard of the man Job? Well
you may have he was a normal human being like me and you
except that he was the type that never gives up.

He was a rich man from start the bible has not said which
company or firm he worked with that got him rich but our
point of interest here is that "God gave Satan the permission
to tempt him, to rob him of all his wealth except his life."
Do you know what that means? It means in a twinkling of an
eye all his wealth, children, livestock's, money, assets were
gone what he has left was just his life.
Wait a moment!!
You are saying your life is not good, you are the poorest man
on earth, God has not been faithful to you, you can't afford
three square meals a day, you should have been like your
But have your with all your complains ever wondered why
you are still alive?, why you still wake up each day? Don't
you think this happened to be the same situation with Job?
Why was he still alive? Am sure you are thinking the way am
thinking now. You are alive for a reason, you are alivebecause the best is yet to come, you are still alive becauseGod has no finish his work yet. Like Job you will smile again
all what you have to do is keep working hard in your little
corner success will make the noise, all what you have to do is
keep hoping knowing that your Redeemer is alive and he willraise you up, he will purify you, he will change your position.
Have you in your life ever considered these two words?
HERE and THERE take a good look at it what have you notice?
The difference is in "T" which represent TIME else we can
say that(HERE +THERE =TIME) all what you need to
achieve your dream is a little more time for God to finish his work and the bible calls it 'God appointed time"
Is only God that can take scraps and turn it into stars he his the only one that can change the hand of time either to fast for ward it or rewind it no mortal has the ability to do so he
his not sleeping he sees you right where you are, right where you are suffering, right where your enemies says that is your final bus stop. You just don't worry right where your enemies says is your final bus stop a car can still pass that can take you to your expected destination God is the only one that can do that just be faithful in the little you are doing.


The secret of all great men is that they
face the sameobstacles, shame, problems, setbacks huddles that other face,
but they determine to fight one more round.
A great woman Magrate Thatcher once said " You may have
to fight a battle more than once to win it"
Listen the word Failure is just a delay but not a denial, noteven a defeat.
A late American president, Richard Nixon said, ( A man is
not finished when he is defeated he is finished when he
quits." Even your enemies knows about that so you don't
have to quit else they will succeed.
Move on, use your last strength you can still stand on your feet.
Nothing can stop you as far as your destiny is concern.
Poverty cannot stop you, poverty is a state of mind. besides,
history shows that over eighty percent of world class leaders were born and raised in abject poverty.

Physical disability cannot stop you. You are made of the
spirit Deformity is in the flesh not in your spirit.
Lack of educational background cannot stop you.
Contact your history, the world most priceless jewels, intellectual,
great thinkers were not school made they were self-made.
They is no such language as failure except accepted by you.
Failure is only a door not a wall. Do you know what is
common in all doors? They can be open by one way or the other.
Your setbacks, failures, obstacles are just a steppingstones to your greatness. no man has the power to stop you only you can stop yourself. You have your destiny right in
your very hands therefore make up your mind today.
Where your enemies say you'll not reach you will excel.


Always remember that between you and anything worthy in
life they are giants. The man we consider as a hero today James Corbett was asked: " what is the most important thing for a man to do to
become a champion ? His reply was quick and sharp


Life wouldn't be fun if they was no mountains to climb,
battles to fight. You can be a slow walker but never walkbackward. You can't become a failure by just falling dawn
you become a failure by staying dawn. One thing is
important to note, you can't prevent yourself from fallingbut you can prevent yourself from staying dawn. A great
missionary David Livingstone said " I determine never to
stop until I had come to achieve my purpose."


Most great and mighty Invention in human history grew outof frustration and failure. The "illiteracy of this generation isnot someone who cannot read or write but someone who cannot learn, relearn and unlearn.You have to learn from your mistakes in order to takecorrections. So don't feel you can't do make it wen you makemistakes.A life spent making mistakes is more useful than a life spent
doing nothing. It is better you try something today and failthan to try nothing at all.


Have you accepted defeat? Have you taken the words of yourenemies that you can't? My friends am here to wake you up,am here to shake those foolish thought out of your head. It is
possible. You can reach the height. You can excel. You canbe a great man of our time it all depends on your mindset,
the bible says "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he"
Listen your life is God's gift to you, what you do with yourlife is your gift back to him.Wake up from your sleep today shake up all the negativethought from your head you can be the man you want to bedespite where you are now.Success is the prize to be won. Action is the road to it. Do
something today no matter how small it is don't wait tilltomorrow. Babe Ruth said " if we don't take the risk of
failing, we won't succeed."
I so much love this quote from
Edgar Guest the poet writes
"Success is failure turned inside out -,
The silver tint of clouds of doubt -,
And you can never tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit
It's when things get worse that you must not quiet."
I don't know if you were about to give up, call it a day, quit, hold on a second you can still do it, you can still make it justfight one more round it may carry the highest point you needto win.
Abraham Lincoln failed severely before he finally hit the bull's eye.

Every great and successful men and women has a story to tell
either of failure or setbacks.


Experience has shown that there is no express way to success.
There is nothing like success drugs or formula. The road to
your success may not be what you expected but the end is.
Have you hard of Michael de Nostradamus? He his better
known by his Latin name as Nostradamus ( the man who saw
tomorrow) he lost his entire family and estate in the 1537
plague. Yet he did not quit the race. Even when he died men
lined up to drink from his empty skull just to be like him O
what a man.Listen they is something in you the world needs. The roadmay be rough buh the end is always sweet. Did you knowthat successful people experience Failure as often as
unsuccessful people?
Listen Martin Luther King said " If you can't fly, run if youcan't run, walk; if you can't walk, crawl but by all means,
keep moving ."
I don't know what is your current position and where you
want to be, I don't know what you are facing right now but I
charge you to battle. Wake up today don't accept failure,
don't give up, you are almost there, you can make it, you canyea you can all what you need is to fight one more round, is
to keep believing God.
Where your enemies says you can't reach you will excel.......

My reference, my inspirer
Mr Chukwudi Martins Nnabuko

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